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I taught myself to knit and crochet, took a couple of classes to learn more advanced techniques, and have been doing it for over 20 years. What I love most about crafting is that there's always something new for me to learn, and I love collaborating with fellow crafters to share ideas, tips, tricks and just help and learn from one another.

I truly believe that my talent is a gift that I should share with the world. So, I love to share my creations by gifting some of the things I make to people and children in need and teaching others to knit and crochet. We hold the best Sip and Knit parties! My favorite item to gift is the Prayer Shawl. You can learn more about the Prayer Shawl ministry and other charities I donate to in the "Give Love" page. If you're a fellow crafter, I encourage you to join me in giving love.

"Do what you love, love what you do and share your love with all"   ~ Daphney